Pictures of me

About Me

Hi! My name is Angie.

I am a UX Designer with a multidisciplinary background in journalism, communications, graphic design, web design, and frontend development. I started my career as a writer and graphic designer before several pivots found me designing and developing websites. I then went on to earn my Master’s in Human-Centered Design and Engineering because I enjoy being at the intersection of design and research, creating equitable and accessible products for users. 

I currently work for the University of Washington Libraries where I am responsible for crafting the architecture, functional design and visual design for web-based projects. I also supervise our student employees who help with user research, protoyping, and user testing.

As I child, my family moved frequently so I have lived in places such as Germany and Alaska, but mostly here in Puget Sound. I attended Seattle University as a Regent's Scholar before transferring to the University of Washington to complete my Bachelor's in Communications and then professional certification in Information Architecture. I graduated in June 2018 with a Master of Science in Human Centered Design and Engineering.

Oh, and that's my dog Pixel. We used to do agility together.


Full Resume is available on GitHub

  • Skills

    Visual Design, Interaction Design, Storyboarding, Information Architecture, User & Task Flows, Wireframing, Prototyping

    User Research, Interviews, Usability Testing, Qualitative Data Analysis, Observational Studies, Surveys, Frontend Development

  • Tools

    Figma, Sketch, InVision, Adobe Creative Cloud, HTML, CSS, JS